Questo blog nasce ufficialmente il 5 Aprile 2013

5 Risposte

  1. kelly@mysoulfulhome

    Congratulations! You are even newer to this than me! I am really enjoying blogging…are you? Thank you for visiting My Soulful Home & for your sweet comment. Your blog looks wonderful & I will be back for more!

  2. elirosu

    Muchas gracias por pasarte por mi blog, es la primera vez que escribo en el nacimiento de uno así que muchas felicidades y espero que disfrutes esta experiencia :) un besazo y te sigo ;)

    • elirosu

      sorry I forgot to speak in english :)) I was saying that is the first time I comment on a newborn blog. Wish u luck and you will enjoy it!! kisses and I’m following you ;)

  3. deepti

    Nice blog dear…thanks for commenting on my blog…xo

  4. BcoolNgreat

    Your blog is really cool. I like your sense of fashion.