Dress Code Unconventional Brand & DuDu Bags Pamela Soluri Outfit 30 Marzo 2015 139Dress Code Unconventional Brand: un marchio dal forte appeal totalmente ideato e realizzato in Italia, che ama l’originalità, i fiori,...
Cruciani C & AIL – La buona Stella della Ricerca Pamela Soluri Outfit 24 Novembre 2014 182Anche quest’anno L’AIL, Associazione Italiana contro le Leucemie, e Cruciani C, azienda leader nel fashion system mondiale, rinnovano la loro...
Kimono & Pants Pajama Style By Carla B Pamela Soluri Outfit 29 Settembre 2014 139Two cultures that Eastern and that Western apparently very distant from each other, intersect however, this year more than ever,...
Fruits Color Mania Pamela Soluri Outfit 14 Agosto 2014 108Nothing is than better the energy of vitaminic colors to start the day. They remember the bright tones of fruits...
Polka Dots Outfit – Shop in London & Tutù Gioielli Pamela Soluri Outfit 30 Luglio 2014 145Polka dots: a trend that appear and reappeared with cyclic frequency, pausing and continuing a tradition synonymous with class and...
The Jungle Fever Pamela Soluri Outfit 21 Luglio 2014 122A riot of flowers, ranging from bright tones and sensual of brown and lime green to the more subtle and...